Tuesday, May 28, 2013


It is official. Our little family of 3 is FINALLY becoming 4. After many months of frustration and questioning if it was possible, those two little pink lines finally showed up. Here is the shortened story,

We had been trying for quite awhile, and I felt as if we had tried EVERY planning method there was. In fact, the month we got pregnant was the month before I was calling the doctor to schedule the specialist. I wasn't ever getting a positive test for ovulation, and was getting very frustrated. Someone I work with had told me to try the "smiley face" ovulation test, and low and behold (whether it was the test or my body just decided to work, I'm not sure), I finally knew my body was working.

The week of Valentine's Day, I had a hunch I was pregnant. I literally just "felt" different. After many negatives in the past, I didn't want to get Greg's hopes up, so I picked up a test on Valentine's Day from the Dollar Store. I took it in the middle of the day and it was a blue test (apparently not as accurate, according to my hours of googling), and there was a VERY faint positive. Rather than get my hopes up, I just ignored it and figured I would give it a few more days.  Saturday, two days after Valentine's, I still "felt" different so I woke up and ran to the store and picked up a few more tests....and they both had those beloved two pink lines :). Being too shocked and excited that it possibly could be true, poor Greg just got a phone call at work instead of me being creative to do something when he got home.  Two days later, I went and bought the digital tests just to make sure. After five tests, I figured it was true.

Probably two weeks after I got a positive, the sickness started. I'm not quite sure how those people on "I didn't know I was pregnant" didn't know.  I only threw up a handful of times, but the nausea was the worst! I kept the nausea at bay if I could gag food down every 1.5-2 hours. I'm pretty sure I kept club crackers and jiff peanut butter in business! I'm just grateful I'm not one of the poor girls who throws up every 2 minutes. After about week 13 I have felt pretty great, just taking it day by day.

Anyway, our little gummy bear is officially due October 28. We are what they call "team green" and are not finding out the gender of our little one. Today we had the anatomy scan and everything is looking great! We feel so grateful, blessed, and SO EXCITED!


  1. Congrats you two! Glad you're finally feeling better!!

  2. Nanna, Pappa and Sophie are SOOOOOO excited too!! Congrats you 3...Ralphy you better get ready for.........

  3. Linds...Hi...I blog-stalked you from Mardi's blog. I am so excited for you guys...having kids is the best and I can't wait to see pictures of him/her! Post lots of pictures!
